Thursday, February 14, 2008

oh look...

it's valentines day.

I sent a text message this morning that said..."this is the time of year that halmark tells me that I have to tell you that i love won't hear me say it again until next February 14...sucker..."

and that's me in a box.

A special someone sent flowers to my job and since its my day off i went stopped by to see if I should take them home or leave them on my desk. I opted to leave them on my desk. I spend 8-10 hours a day at work I'll see them more there than at my apartment because all i pay attention to there is the TV and my Sims game which isn't going that well. I can't wait for spring honestly. Nothing is worse than being broke in the middle of winter when all of your options, besides sitting at home and playing Monopoly or Blink! are going to the movies (and we know how worthless that endevor is), going to the shopping mall also known as the "new urban babysitter", going to the bar and since I don't enjoy going out and drinking as much as I like sitting in my apartment and drinking or going to "The Mall" and getting run out by tourist and lack of parking. I really want a bike. The man and I were looking at some pretty cool ones in Target but lack of storage space at either of our places will allow for that before the spring so we'll wait...even though everyday I drive through Rock Creek Park on my way to work and go..."damn...i wish i had a bike! I would SO bike to work just so I could walk into my office all winded and dehydrated and go "WHOO! Man what a ride!" Okay that's a lie...I'd bike around Rock Creek Park on the weekends or after work, only when its warm and only when my hair isn't maybe I shouldn't get a's a commitment that I'm not ready for.

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